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Aam Papad Chocolate

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Aam Papad Chocolates – Bean to Jar 

  • Homemade & Healthy
  • No Preservatives
  • No Additives
  • No Additional Flavours
  • No Artificial Colours
  • Gluten Free
  • 100% Vegan
  • No Milk Solids

Our special homemade AamPapad chocolates are artistically handcrafted to give you that sweet-tangy flavor! We at ‘Heritage On My Plate’ know that making Aam Papad is no easy feat, so we are doing the muscle work. And hey, we make it amazing too! Could you ever imagine bringing together Aam Papad with Chocolate?! Well, you can skip the imagination. We have done the hard work, all you have to do is now enjoy! Enjoy the luscious, lingering flavours of Aam Papad in the form of delicious, delectable chocolate! Presenting the Aam Papad Chocolate. We assure you, that once you order them, you will come back here again to order more!


He visits my town once a year.

He fills my mouth with kisses and nectar.

I spend all my money on him

Who, girl, your man?

No, a mango.

-Amir Khusrau

Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) was first cultivated in India 4000 years ago and today, the country is responsible for half the world’s supply of mangoes.

Mango is the National fruit of India and is the ‘King of tropical fruits’.  No Indian household can sustain summer without the consumption of this absolutely juicy and rich fruit. AamPapad is basically sun-dried Mango pulp/leather mixed with some sugar. Just the mere mention of Aam Papad brings back fond memories of your grandmother toiling in the kitchen to make it for the family to enjoy. The tangy-sweet burst of flavours tingling your senses is a nostalgic journey to a traditional confectionery.

The tree is known to symbolize eternal love, wealth and fertility.  An ancient Vedic story it features as a mark of true love. Mangoes are of sacred relevance to Hinduism and are often used in a variety of rituals. During festivals, one can spot its leaves adorning the doors of many homes. To the Buddhists too, mangoes hold much significance because the Mango-groves were Buddha’s preferred meditating zone. Monks would often carry them on long expeditions, popularising the fruit.

In Ancient India, according to the Chinese traveler, Hiuen Tsang, the Mauryans planted their trees along roadsides as a symbol of prosperity. And with Hiuen Tsang, the Mango first travelled to China!

It is often said that the hills of north-eastern India adjoining Myanmar are the likely centre of its origin. This rich, delicious pulpy fruit caught the fancy of Alexander the Great, who is believed to have carried the fruits all the way back to Greece from the court of Porus!!!

Mughal patronage to horticulture led to thousands of Mangoes varieties that were grafted, including the famous Totapuri, which was the first variety to be exported to Persia and other Kingdoms.

Portuguese introduced grafting on the trees to produce new varieties.  One of them is the Alfonso, a sort of national-obsession even today.




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